
We spent an unexpectedly full day at two Jamestown sites. Jamestown Settlement, operated by the Commonwealth of Virginia is a living history museum that recreates the original fort, a Powhatan village and display of the three ships that brought the English adventurers here. Historic Jamestowne, managed by the National Park Service and an archeological site of Virginia Preservation’s Jamestowne Rediscovery, on the actual site of the Fort interprets the original settlement as an archeological dig and historic site. Both are different takes on the subject and both are complementary.

Our first stop was the settlement and it kind of speaks for itself.

Historic Jamestown really is quite different, as it is a living archeological site and research center. There are some structures here, recreated, but the real story is either in the ground or being taken out it. We were lucky enough to catch a tour given by one of the educators, Amber Phelps (she was more than an interpreter), and the tale is fascinating. Their most recent discovery are the graves of four prominent settlers (they ain’t saying who yet) at the chancl of the original church. This is a must-see for anyone in the area. I was stunned by the tour and the information and plan to check in on their website regularly for updates.

Amber reveals it all!! (Seriously, she was one of the best tour guides I have ever heard)

This is the original church, against the far wall you can barely make out two of the four gravesites.

17th century belltower
 Monday: Yorktown and whatever else strikes us


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