Monday Madness
Before the M1000 there was another, more legendary, oversize Pelikan, the pen we call the Magnum. Shrouded in the mists of legend for many years we knew little of these pens, which usually showed up in tortoise with the Emegê imprint of Monteiro Gimarãis the influential Portugese importer of Pelikan. We assumed they were a variant of the 100N. Today we know, due to the discovery of shipping documents, that they were transitional, perhaps prototypes of a new pen that was sold in Portugal in 1935. There are a few of them around. It would be a mistaske to call them rare (whatever that means). But I have two. And I will make no more extravagant claims about them being perhaps the last that will surface. These pens are fully restored and ready to be put into service. Pen A This very early pen has a dark binde and the brass shim that Pelikan used on the earliest 100 and 100N models to strengthen the barrel threads at the filler end. The pen shows no more than expected ...