This final day of our trip (we head back home beginning Monday), we finished the Scenic Drive out to Capitol Gorge, walked the gorge, and then returned to park headquarters to pick fruit in the orchards and eat more pie at the Gifford House. An interesting note on this area, the first American settlers here were a band of Mormons who, apparently, sought to put some distance between themselves and the formal church in Salt Lake. They found an arable little valley irrigated by the Fremont River,where the park headquarters now are, and began raising tree fruit. When the lands came to the National Park Service in the 1920s they decided to preserve the orchards, so today you can pick fruit here, and we did, about 4 ½ pounds of apples and pears. Were we to do this trip again (and we might) I would want to have a four wheel drive vehicle and the ability to walk more than the three miles we did today. Only then could we more fully explore this wilderness wonderland. ...