Moving North: Hamburg

Tuesday morning we were off to visit more old friends, Karin and David Parisi and Osman Sümer in Hamburg.

As many of you already know, Hamburg is one of Germany’s largest cities, a port and part of the old Hanseatic League. Today it remains an active center for commerce.
By this time, not only was Sharon coming down with a nasty cold, but both Karin and Osman had colds as well, so our time together was limited and rather than walking the city, in deference to Sharon David conducted a lovely driving tour, giving us ample opportunity to get out and stroll a bit without wearing Sharon out too much.

Karin and Osman then joined us for lunch and we were off on the next leg of our tour, what for me would prove a highlight, a visit to Hannover to see Jürgen Dittmer, the Pelikan archivist, and to tour the manufacturing plant.

An interesting skyline, blending modern and historical buildings. During World War II about 60% of the city was destroyed.

David took us across the river by a fascinating tunnel that began and ended with elevators that took us down and then under the

Creeping Americanism, The Lion King has it's own boat to transport theatergoers across the Elbe.

Sharon and David in front of a statue of Martin Luther at the side of the St. Michael's Kirche
St. Michael dropping the sword on the devil.

The courtyard of the Rathaus
Manholes as art form.
Interior of the Rathaus
Beginning in the early 19th century, the economic power of Germany was driven by its customs union, the zollverein. This customs building is now a museum.


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