Snow, Then Flood, The Fire Next Time? Yikes

It's been a quiet couple of weeks as both we and the students settle in. Last week's snow wiped out our excursion to Bristol and Sharon and I decided to stay "home" last weekend.

We saw a great, great film, The Reader, with Ralph Fiennes and Kate Winslet. Apart from a superbly presented wrenching story, it featured a lot of pens, for those who cared, and unlike many films the pens were dead on appropriate to the period. Saturday we walked over the Bath's Theatre Royal's Ustinov to see Gagarin Way, an interesting discussion of political violence.

We've yet to get any measurable snow this week, but enough rain to take the Avon out of it's channel and half way up it's banks.As seen from our flat. You'll need to refer to my earlier photos of the river from our flat to see how much the river has risen.

This weekend it's our big trip to London, there will be lots of images, I promise.


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