Portland Wrap-up

Well, this was far and away the best Portland show, from every standpoint. Had a great time seeing everyone, sold some great pens, got some great pens, ate well--too well. In fact I gained two pounds, which I had avoided thus far on the trip. But the razor clams at Higgins on Saturday night were terrific and the paella at Lauro on Sunday was as good.

On Sunday, the show was a bit more relaxed and there was less of a public presence, but I was able to do a bit more buying and selling to cap off the weekend.

No images from Sunday, but I do have to show off one of my several acquisitions, the Visconti Skeleton in titanium.

If you haven't been to Portland, you have missed five great pen shows. If you haven't been to Portland, you need to make plans for next year. Carla Mortensen, supported by the Portland Pen Club has done a superb job of creating one of the finest pen shows in existence, one that just keeps getting better and better.

For us, next stop, Ashland.


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